Kommigraphics always works
closely with you at every step of a
well structured procedure of brand
design, so that your views are.

Launches& Events


High Profile Conferences & Launches - Impacting Event Experiences for Delegates & Guests – Insightful Event Content - Network Growth - Product/Destination Showcase - Business Growth and Milestones – Events for Investors and Media - Contemporary Hospitality Offerings


Full Event Strategy & Delivery – Conferences, Launches, Press Conferences, Thought Leadership Programmes - Virtual & Hybrid Events - Sponsorship & Event Funding - Event Marketing & Sales - Full Event Design & Production – Event Programming & Content Supplier & Venue Sourcing, Negotiation & Management – Registration, Invitation & Delegate Management Systems - Hospitality Design, Sales & Management

Impacting Events that Captivate

Sam brings together a team to design and deliver exceptional events and launches that fuse thoughtful content, breathtaking locations, meaningful partnerships, the best guestlists and fine hospitality. These one-of-a-kind event experiences are carefully created working closely with our clients and partners to develop a clear strategy when it comes to defining event concept, driving attendee engagement, delivering on budget and an exceptional final output.